Thursday, May 7, 2015

Crystallization Study of Exodus 2.4

The second title revealed in Exodus 3 is Jehovah, which means “He who was, who is, and who will be.” This title is composed basically of the verb to be. Apart from the Lord, all else is nothing. He is the only One who is, the only One who has reality of being.

[God] calls Himself, “I AM WHO I AM” [Exo. 3:14]....“I Am” denotes the One who is self-existing, the One whose being depends on nothing apart from Himself. This One is also the ever-existing One, that is, He exists eternally, having neither beginning nor ending.

As I Am, God is everything we need. To the words “I Am” we can add whatever we may need....In the New Testament the Lord uses many things to describe Himself: “I am the true vine” (John 15:1), “I am the bread of life” (John 6:35), “I am the light” (John 8:12). As I Am, God is everything....God is the reality of every positive thing. This implies that God must be you, even the reality of your very being....This great I Am, the all-inclusive One, is the One who has come to call us.

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