Thursday, May 14, 2015

Crystallization Study of Exodus 3.4

If we could bring people out of the tyranny of the world into the wilderness and take them to the mountain where they see the revelation of God’s economy and eventually build a tabernacle for God, we would surely be satisfied. However, with the tabernacle we do not yet have the solid building, which is signified by the temple in the land of Canaan. Hence, if we would reach the ultimate goal of God’s calling, we must journey onward and enter into the good land....Many Christians, however, have not yet reached the stage of the tabernacle, the temporary church life, much less that of the solid building.

God has called us with a purpose. This purpose is to use us to bring people out of the tyranny of today’s world into the wilderness, a place of separation. It is also to bring them to the mountain where they may see the revelation concerning God’s economy and the design of the tabernacle, so that the tabernacle may be built. Furthermore, it is to bring them into the rich and all-inclusive good land to defeat God’s enemy and to enjoy the riches of Christ. Then God will be able to establish His kingdom in which He will have His dwelling place on earth. (Life-study of Exodus, pp. 125, 138, 140-141, 131-132)

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