Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Crystallization Study of Exodus 1.2

Exodus stresses two matters concerning the Trinity: the Angel of God, or the Angel of Jehovah, and the Spirit of God. An angel is one who is sent by God. The Spirit of God is the One who comes from God to reach man and, in a deeper sense, to enter into man. One who is sent to us may come to us but not enter into us, but the Spirit comes from God to reach us not only objectively but also subjectively by entering into us. In Exodus God is the Angel of God, who is sent to be with man, and the Spirit of God, who comes to reach man in a subjective way. In the New Testament the One sent by God to us was Jesus Christ, the second of the Trinity. In John the Lord often said that He was sent by the Father (e.g., 5:36; 6:57; 8:16; 12:49; 14:24). Then this sent One said that He would ask the Father to send another Comforter, the Spirit (14:16, 26; 15:26). These two, Christ and the Spirit, in the New Testament are the fulfillment of the Angel and the Spirit in Exodus. (The Divine Trinity as Revealed in the Holy Word, p. 19)

In Exodus 40 we see the entire, completed tabernacle for the first time. Immediately after the tabernacle was raised up, the cloud descended to cover it, and the glory entered to fill it. For the tabernacle to become an entire, completed, living, and genuine tabernacle, it needed not only to be constructed and raised up but also to be covered by the cloud and filled by the glory. When the tabernacle was raised up, covered by the cloud, and filled with the glory, it became a full type of the Triune God. (The Divine Trinity as Revealed in the Holy Word, pp. 29, 32-33, 45-46)

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